I am thankful for coffee, I thankful for red wine, I am thankful for music and movies--especially Audrey Hepburn movies, I am thankful for hot baths, although I rarely ever take one. I am thankful for ice cream and chocolate. I am thankful for a clean apartment. I am thankful for cold weather on Thanksgiving (70 degree temps in AZ just doesn't feel like Turkey Day to me). I am thankful that I have a good job. I am thankful for a camera that can capture all of our memories. I am thankful for my college degree and how hard I worked to earn it. I am thankful for high heels and good fitting jeans. I am thankful that I am almost back into those pre-pregnancy, good fitting jeans. I am thankful for all of the huge bows I put on Eva that I think are so cute!! I am thankful for artwork. I am thankful for books and free speech. I am thankful for cell phones and text messages.
And now for the important stuff....
I am thankful for my sister, who is a huge support to me...who I never believed my dad when he said she would be my best friend, and it turns out that it is true. I am thankful for my brother-in-law...because he makes me laugh, is so sarcastic, but most importantly, loves my sister so much. I am thankful for my handsome nephew...without him, I may never have decided to have a child of my own.
I am thankful for my brother...who, with all of our drama in the past, I love very dearly.
I am thankful for Drew's sisters, who have become my own as well.
I am thankful for my extended family...aunts, uncles, cousins...while we are all so far away from each other, I never forget for a moment how special they all are.
I am thankful for my amazing friends, new and old...my support system and shoulders to cry on. I have to mention that I am thankful for all of my "J" friends...no more or less than my other friends, I just happen to have a lot of friends who's names start with "J" - Jeniffer, Jen, Jenny-Mack, Jenn Wingert, Jennifer Paytas, Jill, Julie.
I am thankful for my Daddy--I am thankful that he is here with us to share another holiday and I am thankful for the person who died so that he could live, I am thankful for my madre, who is a beautiful person and takes such good care of me and my family.
And for the really important stuff...
I am thankful for Motley...I adore this dog, love how he cuddles and snores and has unconditional love for everyone.
I am thankful for Peanut, that we were able to save her and give a good home where she is loved more than I can say.
I am thankful to have been blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby girl, who makes everyday just a little brighter, who warms your heart when she smiles and breaks that same heart when she cries.
I am thankful for Drew...for all of the difficult times we shared together, that have helped shape our lives today and for knowing that we are better for all of it. I am thankful that I have a partner who loves me, supports me, challenges me, makes me laugh and cooks for me everyday! I am thankful that I have someone in my life that makes for a wonderful partner and an amazing father.
Of course...the list goes on and on. Thanksgiving is so special because it gives us a time to remember all of the blessings we have in our lives...blessings that we may take advantage of every other day of the year.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with your friends and family and pumpkin pie!!!
Love it! So well-put :)