Eva has 3 teeth, is army crawling and wants to stand alllll of the time. She will sit and play with her toys for a maximum of 10 minutes, and then she wants to pull herself up and stand. We are really beginning to think that she is going to skip crawling all together and go straight to walking!!
Eva's Likes:
Going for walks
Motley and Peanut (especially chasing Motley when he has a toy)
Banana cookies
Reading and books
Having her teeth brushed
Eva also likes:
Giving kisses (open mouth and drooley!!!)
Taking bathsGiving high fives
Playing sweet baby (you say "Ahhh sweet baby" and she puts her head down on you).
Eva is not a fan of:
Getting out of the bath and getting ready for bed
Having her faced wiped after eating
Letting you see her teeth
(hey-that list isn't so bad!)
Now I will say it...she is getting soooo big, soooo fast, but she is soooo much fun now! She is interacting with us and learning things very quickly. Not to brag (well, maybe a little) but we have a very smart little girl on our hands!!! I can only look forward to the future days with her as I love and cherish every moment I have with her!
So, so wsweet. I love the "sweet baby" game! Good job with her teeth...that's one thing I didn't do with Sam and it has turned into a fight! I can't wait to see her.