Monday, April 18, 2011

Mr. Bean??

Which is better?

A jelly bean? 

Or a kidney bean?

Most people would say that they enjoy the sweet sugary and juicy flavors of a jelly bean over the, well, "beany" flavor of a kidney bean. 

But I must disagree and this is why....

Six years ago Dad had a life changing surgery. He was blessed to receive a kidney transplant. At the time it seemed so surreal, and I suppose it still does. Although transplants are becoming more and more common, to say that your father has had a transplant is really quite amazing. And it is even more amazing to say that Mr. Bean (the term we coined for my father's newest body part) is doing just great and has settled into his new home! 

After the surgery,  I remember my Dad telling me that all of the sudden the world seemed so colorful. I guess in illness, the blue in the sky, the green of the grass, the black of my mother's hair began to slowly dull. When his body was working properly -- everything came back into focus. 

Six years ago today, someone died so that my father could live. While I am still sad for the victim's family, I hope in their grief they can see the lives that their love one has saved. We may take for granted all of the good in our lives, dismissing the positive because the trials and tribulations seem so overwhelming. But today, of all days, I am counting my blessings and one of those blessings is that my father is still here, healthy enough to enjoy his wife, children, grandchildren and beautiful home. 

So, while jelly beans my be tasty, I would choose kidney beans any and every day. 

I love you Daddy!


  1. You really have a beautiful way of expressing your thoughts and whatis in your heart. Thank you fo putting how we all feel into words. I love you. Mom

  2. And, my friend, this is why we all love you so much!

  3. So eloquent. You said it much better than I could, thank you. I love you too Daddy!
